One of my favorite vocations is writing about an hour and a half of humorous musings and friendly songs, with the aim of traveling around the planet to deliver them to you in person.
In this region of my website you can glean all the details you might require in order to come and see me run on at the mouth and play my guitar in a theatre near you.
Past Tours
All Rise

An evening of deliberative talking and light dance that will compel you to chuckle whilst enjoining you to brandish a better side of humanity than the one to which we have grown accustomed. You will find me draped in a magnificent squirrel blouse, hand-crafted by Fort Lonesome of Austin, Texas.
While still uproariously funny, Offerman’s set was almost relaxing at parts... His performance was just so natural and very conversational in nature, seeming as though he was simply having a chat with his buddies.
No matter what his topic was, his jokes landed effortlessly, eliciting laugh after laugh from the audience. Offerman can definitely be described as a more jovial version of his iconic “Parks and Recreation” character — opinionated, to-the point and well-spoken.
Offerman’s “All Rise” was a highly entertaining, yet beautifully simple experience. Even though Ron Swanson once said “Never half-a** two things — whole-a** one thing,” Offerman proved he could master comedy, song and storytelling in one hilarious package.
Full Bush

This special yields a substantial amount of focus on personal hygiene and grooming techniques. But then I delve into other iterations of that titular phrase. I talk about preparing oneself to live in a survivalist way, fully in the bush as it were, which also involves making things with one’s hands. Implements of survival. I talk about loving one’s family, loving one’s neighbors. Meaty stuff, but always with a chuckle.
If you didn't catch the tour you can now pretend you were there from the comfort of your living room. Full Bush is now available as a comedy special. Rent or buy it here.
Summer of 69

This collaboration between myself and my astonishing bride Megan Mullally, otherwise known as “Queen of the Pixies”, is an entirely melodic and ribald pageant which might make you giggle and, more importantly, inspire some romance in your own life.
If you didn't catch the tour you can now pretend you were there from the comfort of your living room. Summer of 69 is now available as a comedy special. Rent or buy it here.

American Ham

Handkerchiefs. Red meat. Minor nudity. In my first comedy special, I enumerate my “10 tips for Delicious Living”. I gained about 30 pounds for this show, so as to appear more relatable. Filmed at New York City’s historic Town Hall.
If you didn't catch the tour you can pretend you were there from the comfort of your living room. American Ham is now available as a comedy special. Rent or buy it here.
The 2023 Tour

Join Nick for a night of deliberative talking, mirth, and music. An evening that compels listeners to chuckle while also causing them to honestly countenance the aspects of humanity about which we have to laugh so that we don’t attack one another with shovels. If the evening is light on dance, the audience has only themselves to blame.
Where the Deer and the Antelope Play